Date: 16., 17. and 18. may 2025

Orgenizers: Plesna šola Rolly, ŠD Rolly

Registration deadline: April 27th 2025

Registration and information: Festis



Dance is like a poem that your body writes on the blank canvas of space.



- Rolly Dance Open 2024 - results
- Rolly Dance Open 2023 - results
- Rolly Dance Open 2022 - results
- Rolly Dance Open 2021 - results
- Rolly Dance Open 2019 - results

Are you interested in
how we did last years:
2024 and 2023



The panel of judges consists of domestic and foreign renowned dance experts (judges, coaches, choreographers), who are selected by the organizer based on their references. The selected judges are experts from various dance genres.

Each category is judged by judges who specialize in the dance discipline for which they are delegated to the trial.


Registration deadline: April 27th 2025

Registracija: FESTIS

Registration to our festival is possible through FestIS system. When creating your FestIS account, you must first provide information about your club or dance school. Your club or dance school pays the entry fees, so be careful to enter the correct billing information. In the next step you have to add information about your dancers - their name, surname, gander and birth dates. Only when you have added all your dancers, you can choose our festival and continue with registration. The last step of registration is to create your routines. You need to provide information about the performance title, category, dance style, age division, choreographer's and dancers' names, track duration, and then upload your music. The system allows you to save unfinished routines, even without uploaded music, so you can easily edit your routines later.

The last day to create routines is the festival's deadline, which is on April 27th 2025. When you finish creating all routines and upload all your music, send your registration by clicking on - FINISH REGISTRATION - ENROLL!

After the registration is completed, you can download your pro forma invoice for entry fee payment. If you have any trouble with submitting your registration, please contact FestIS administrator via email - or phone +386 70 708 808

Highlights from Rolly dance open 2024

Highlights from Rolly dance open 2023

Highlights from past years