- URBAN (Urban encompasses choreographies of different street dance styles, such as hip hop, break dance, electric boogie etc. It could be only technical choreograph or it could be integrated into a story. Stage props are permitted).
- DISCO DANCE (Disco dance contains disco genres such as dance floor and freestyle. Modern elements from hip-hop and break dance etc. are allowed, but typical disco elements should dominate. Acrobatic moves are allowed but should not dominate the performance).
- ACROBATIC DANCE (Acrobatic dance is a dance style that combines classical dance technique with precise performance of acrobatic elements. Its choreography should seamlessly blend dance and acrobatics. Acrobatics must be a part of the dance and not a gymnastic floor exercise).
- BREAK DANCE (Break dance constitutes of: footwork (Six-step, Knee-step…), Up rock (Battle-rock, Indian-step…), freezes (Clash, Baby-freeze…), power moves (Headspin, Windmills…). Acrobatic moves (Flips/Screws, Butterflies) are allowed, but should not dominate the performance).
- HIP HOP BATTLE (Different styles of hip hop, such as old-school (popping, locking, jazz-rock, hype…), new school (new style, krumpin, dance hall…), housedance (footwork, jacking, lofting), wacking, voguing, fall under hip hop discipline. Movements and elements, typical of electric boogie and break dance, are allowed, but should not dominate the performance).
- SHOW DANCE (Show dance is based on jazz technique, classical ballet technique and moderncontemporary dance technique. Technique of other dance disciplines can be incorporated, but should not dominate the performance. Story, presented by dancers, is the essential component of individual performances).
- JAZZ (Jazz is an extremely diverse art form. The entire routine must consist of jazz work, i.e. jazz technique turns, jumps isolations, stretch etc. Acrobatic elements are not permitted. Choreography must consist of basic jazz elements).
- MODERN (Modern dance is based on a relaxed, free movement-dancing, choreographers use feelings and moods to design their own dance steps. The entire dance routine must consist of modern dance techniques and current trends).
- BALET (Dancers in this discipline must present Classical Ballet Technique and style and must perform it in soft ballet slippers or Pointe shoes. Lyrical, modern and modern jazz techniques and pieces are not permitted in this discipline).
- TEP (The primary emphasis is on the harmonious bled of the music and dancer’s footwork technique; the dancer uses taps on his/her shoes to make sounds. The music must not contain pre-recorded taps. The dancer’s taps and music must be clearly audible to the dancer him/herself, to the audience and to adjudicators/judges).
- ORIENTAL (This style of dance is based on classical RagsSharqi style and can contain elements of other oriental folk dances and styles).
- FOLK AND ETHNIC DANCE (This style of dance must express regional tradition, passed down from generation to generation. Costumes and music must reflect folkloric tradition).
- MAJORETTE & TWIRLNIG DANCE (The main prop or accessory in majorette dance is the baton. There are also additional accessories, such as flags, ribbons, pom-poms, umbrellas, hats … Besides marching the dance incorporates also basics of ballet technique, gymnastics and dance to different music while performing demanding elements with baton and other accessories).
- POM PON (Incorporated intensive physical activity both to motivate sport teams and audiences and for fun. Choreography can encompass many elements, such as tumbling, jumping, cheering in order to motivate spectators to cheer for a sports team).
- PRODUCTION (A production is defined as an elaborate theatrical presentation. It must contain a clear theme and story with a beginning, middle and end. Its primary purpose is audience entertainment. All dance styles are allowed. There are no age restrictions in productions and dancers from different age divisions can compete).
- POLE DANCE OPEN (Pole open beginers and aerial flow - more about this)
Dance is like a poem that your body writes on the blank canvas of space.

Registration deadline: April 27th 2025
Registracija: FESTIS
Registration to our festival is possible through FestIS system. When creating your FestIS account, you must first provide information about your club or dance school. Your club or dance school pays the entry fees, so be careful to enter the correct billing information. In the next step you have to add information about your dancers - their name, surname, gander and birth dates. Only when you have added all your dancers, you can choose our festival and continue with registration. The last step of registration is to create your routines. You need to provide information about the performance title, category, dance style, age division, choreographer's and dancers' names, track duration, and then upload your music. The system allows you to save unfinished routines, even without uploaded music, so you can easily edit your routines later.
The last day to create routines is the festival's deadline, which is on April 27th 2025. When you finish creating all routines and upload all your music, send your registration by clicking on - FINISH REGISTRATION - ENROLL!
After the registration is completed, you can download your pro forma invoice for entry fee payment. If you have any trouble with submitting your registration, please contact FestIS administrator via email - festis.dance@gmail.com or phone +386 70 708 808